To run the business each of them require the computer technology. The most helpful tool used in the business is Microsoft Excel. This spreadsheet is already in the table form so we not not need to worry to make boxes and than write the information. Excel have made the work easier. It is used to store, organize and manipulate the data. Excel sheet have ability to calculate the numbers as we instruct. It is very helpful for the Accountants as well as Teachers. Accounts use the spreadsheet to maintain the budget for it client; teachers use it to keep the record of the students' grade. Spreadsheet helps them to deal easily with the numbers.
Spreadsheet is also used by the students in certain course. Like in my current accounting course we use spreadsheet to do the accounting sums; it make more easy for us to calculate the numbers. We just need to write the numbers in the cell and all the calculations like average, multiplication are done by the spreadsheet. This spreadsheet is also used by the doctors in their clinic; receptionist keep record of the patients and make the appointments and write beside their name so it becomes easy for them to make how much appointments in a day.
We can make the report on companies growth or loss by using various graphs, pie chart or bar diagram. Also can highlight the important areas where more emphasis is need. It is much easy to do the work on Excel.