Collecting information electronically can help us to improve our writing, oral presentation etc. Here is following ways in which computer help us to collect information.
As internet stores large amount of data which can be retrieved instantly. If we have access to internet we can search information and store it. It is the fastest process of collecting data. We can collect information on internet search engine like Google.
Suppose we need information on historical monuments, we will not read the old book; instead we will find the information online which is the easiest and correct way to find the information. As the sites are updated everyday so we can get current information on every topic.
If any student has assignments or they have to write an essay on a particular topic the can use internet to find the information and write the correct information in the assignment. Even can find for the correct format of an essay.
Even doctors research for new medical operations on internet. They collect their information through internet and do experiments on that research.
- Also an employee or a worker in an informational economy can get quick information on internet.
- Information about everything in the world is now accessible in database or webpage.
- To write memo, letter, essay we can find the correct format on internet.
The worldwide information we can get on search engine like Google. By siting in another country we can Know the status, business style, each and every rules of other country.
Internet is the best thing we have in this 21st century.Our whole world is working through computer.
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